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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Decided to expose the center

Decided to expose the center

Decided to expose the center. The part that is crucified between two identities, two worlds, two cultures, two families, two races, and two sets of standards. The center that is not so quiet. The place that offends the onlooker, offends the listener.

Decided to expose to the world. The not so soft perception of my modern duality. Decided to no longer live in silence. An attempt to explain how I feel, ultimately how I see.

The campaign for ending violence against women is to break the silence. Shall there be a slogan, a campaign for society to begin to acknowledge and account for the stolen generation?
It is a moral dilemma for society to assign accountability for something not necessarily committed by this generation, but, the victims/survivors are still here. Who is accountable to them? Can we break the silence for them?

She is gone.  She is a ghost.  She was my mother's sister.  This is all I have of this generation, of my mother.  I never met her.  But then again, I am pretty sure I have never really met myself.

Maybe I will be able to show you what I see.  Just a little bit at a time.  I dare not release too much silence at once.  The world would not understand.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Take action...Matt Damon

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