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Monday, December 6, 2010

It's High Time Oregon Reforms Family Law...My Blog, My opinion.

This is a work in progress for certain. I will continue to evolve and employ my skills. I will post on blogger edited versions of each post. I will continue to post links for family's to use.
In the event you have the unfortunate participation in one of life's most difficult challenges, the "dissolution of marriage", I hope this blog is of some use. Now, the meaning of "family" has a broad scope. I limit the term to no one gender group. Married can mean unmarried common law, or domestic partners, or gay couples unable to wed (due to bull shit laws but that another blog), any two persons who willing join in lifetime commitment.
Although this blog hopes to become primarily a directive of easy to access terms and links for family's, I submit a confession now. I am an avid fathers rights supporter. This does not mean I am a woman hater. I am not a hater at all. I am a woman. I am simply and absolutely infuriated by the injustice of family law. I cope with what angers me by writing. Therefore, this blog.
It may offend some people. I included the "before entering this site you agree that you are an adult". For me this defines only the maturity to read something you may not agree with and not bash the author. You don't like what I write? Do not look.
I am inviting mature intelligent people 18 over or under, I dont' care how old you are. All I ask is be mature enough not to read or submit constructive criticism. If I am stating my opinion, it is because it's my fucking blog.  Oh, I will be using profanity from time to time.  I would like this to be an open format blog, where freedom of speech can be exercised. I do not support the attempt to discredit any one person or group of persons, nor do I wish to be attacked.  Disclaimer: (being a fathers rights supporter this blog will reflect largely on the parent who is dominantly using family law courts, mainly women).
It is my opinion that the family law courts are indisputably corrupt! I base my opinion on personal experience and many hours of research.
Motivated by greed and filled with the greedy. It is also indisputable that greed is part of human nature. The intense desire to be right. The unwillingness to share, ownership.
However, we are supposed to have outgrown these impulses before having a/any child(ren). Unfortunate for the child(ren), that is not always the case. The very nature of greed, entitlement and ownership is supported in the family law courts. Have you ever hear a woman say, "I am the mother"! or "Kids belong with their mother!" or maybe this one, "I carried them for nine months so their more bonded with me"! I could go on, but do I really need to?
It is the very personality that believes these statement(s) that end up in court filing for garnishment, sole custody, status quo, writ of assistance, etc. Now I ask this?  If the child(ren) have an active, involved father  or the father is the primary parent in the child(ren) life, why would any woman take sole custody and remove the ability for a man to freely particpate and willingly contribute to the development and lifstyle of that
child(ren)? Of course this is a scenario where there is no one leaving the house with bruises and broken limbs, sunglasses on, having to explain why you ran into the cabinet. We are all mature enough here that I need not mention this again...good. Greed! Power! Control! This is family law court rooms and their content.
So naturally the greedy, unethical, immature will take full advantage and use this court room to gain, what they believe, they are "entitled" to. If that is what you really believe, this blog is not for you and I strongly suggest you leave now.
My blog, my opinion. My opinion is this: The Oregon Family Law Courts and every thing associated with IV-D services is 100% corrupt. It is the woman who uses this court for any reason other than to stop having to run into that damn cupboard, does have a unhealthy relationship with money or a healthy sense of self-empowerment. It is this particular court that is the primary vehicle for perpetuating welfare. More unfortunate is the annihilation of child(ren)' freedom to love, respect, and have a relationship with the father.
If a man is a primary person or an active participant in the child(ren) life, what would propel a woman, to separate that child from their father?
There are three fundamental laws of parenting and child support.
1)The money for child support is for the children.
2) Both parents have an equal duty to support the child(ren), finally
3) opaque disclosure, circumstantial situation, and all other factors, are carefully considered before calculating support.
This is not possible with dishonest participant.  The court of  family law in Oregon cares not about honesty.  It care only in building statistics to keep that federal IV-D grant money flowing in.  That is another story...When fathers are free to willingingly to support the child(ren) there is a lot more free time and money for both parents and the child(ren) benefit from having their mother and father.  Children need their mother and father equally.
So mother's who have taken sole custody away from the piece of crap that beat you and or the child(ren)...Bravo! You women who gained sole custody from a willing and participating father. This blog isn't going to suit you. So I suggest you never read it again.
Fathers You will probably never win in court. It is a fact. My suggestion is, if you are going to fight for your children, be prepared and have a really good lawyer.  Fathers if you start to fight for your children never give up.  You will never regret the day you will be able to tell your child(ren), "I tried and I never gave up.  I love you and am happy to see you".  No you won't regret those words.  If your are going to put up the fight, then there are some facts you need to know about family law.  Facts that change as fast as her mind does, so never stop reading and... Do not despair. Do not give up. For your children's sake, educate yourself! Peace...BigMamaBlaze

Sunday, December 5, 2010

MLK Jr.'s letter from...

Ah, I found justice on the menu after all.  I couldn't sleep.  I had MLK Jr.'s words looping through my mind.  So follow the links...Peace

I am in the mood for social justice...

Oh, not serving that today?  Alrighty, I'll take a good song then, eh?
Please respect the rights the owner(s) have to this song.  The drummers and their families, and all singers Blacklodge singers drum, are making a difference one song at a time eh?

Peace...BigMamaBlaze and LittleMamaBlaze too


Today I want to pay respect to my biological father who was killed in Vietnam.  My adoptive father who raised me and raised me well.  To my grandfathers for all the love and Saturday mornings as a little girl when both my parents had jobs yet we were still broke as heck, for putting a hot meal in my tummy.  For My great-grandfathers and their great-grandfathers for having the foresight to base their decisions with me, my children, and my 7th generation from now children,  in mind.  It may not read how it sounds in my mind, but I hope you get the gist.  I love you dad.